Saturday, December 19, 2009

Schluter Systems Kerdi & Ditra issues

As you all know we sold Schluter for many years. We single handed brought the price of Ditra and Kerdi down to a level that "everybody" Could afford it.
Before we came to the scene you all were paying an outragous price for Schluters products, this was kept in check by Schluter with agreement called MAP(Manufacture Advised Price).
This in nothing more than a legal shield to keep the term "Price Fixing" from coming into play.That is because price fixing is illegal.
We have fought Schluter for every inch of ground we gained, they insisted we keep the price high and we said NO!
Before us, Ditra and Kerdi was only available in full rolls, we brought Sq Foot Pricing to the market. The shower kits had over 100% markups we fixed that and made them reasonable.
Many retailers complained to Schluter, many Tile Suppliers like Dal Tile complained on us, We have withstood the storm for 5 years.

12/05/2009 Home from the party. While sitting at the table watching my daughter open her presents I got an email from Ebay.
It seems the our new line Provamat and Provaflex that we picked up to replace the Ditra has created such a stir at Schluter they told CJ Madonna to have the line remove from my ebay Store.
They falsified information to Ebay and claimed to to own the Provamat and then removed it for a Copyright Violation !
They removed 5 items of the Tile Uncoupling Membrane and 3 of the Waterproofing, 8 In total.
WOW! They must really feel threatened by a Superior Product. I will let Provamat lawyers fight with them on this one.
All I can say is If you purchase Schluters products you are supporting this Gestapo Mentality.
If you buy Dal Tile you are supporting what Schluter is doing to you...the public....
If you buy any Mohawk Flooring product you are supporting what Dal Tile and Schluter are trying to acheive, you decide it is your money.
One thing you will find on this sight is honesty and clear cut facts. We do not back down to bullies and we will not be silenced.
Stay Tuned, lets see what tomorrow holds.

See the ProvaMat and ProvaFlex here: Indiana Floors LLC